Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 2

Day 2 of 547...just kidding, more like 90 days, but who's counting. That would be me...Billy left yesterday morning. He was up bright and early and left around 5:00am. We sure do miss him in this house. But everyday that passes is one day closer to when we will get to see him again.

Today was a really good day! Halen and I started the day off with mommies group, then we had lunch at Jax and Jenna's, Halen took a 2 hour nap!!!, and finally we went for a walk with Snoop. It has been so nice here lately and they finally opened up our pool. Mary is on top of it, she LOVES the pool. If she could she would probably be out there all day. I love that girl :) Anyway, we took Halen out there yesterday. The water was super cold, so I just dipped his feet in...he didn't cry, but I think that is because he was in shock. We didn't try any more after that. We just took a little nap together in the shade.

18 days until we are back in Iowa. Oh, my, I am excited! Jordan's shower is that Sunday when we get back and I am so excited to see all the girls! It has been way too long. She is going to be Mrs. Beynon very soon! She is going to be a gorgeous bride! 

Tulip time here we come!! I missed it last year, so I am super excited to be going and bringing Halen :) Can't wait to see all of our family while we are there! 

                                                         Sweet dreams everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Such a little stud Halen is turning out to be. He is rocking those shades :)

    Thinking about you since Billy has left! Buuuuut ... that just means that coming to see me is just around the corner! I am so excited you are going to be here for all the wedding festivities. Happy days!

    See you soon you two!


    auntie J

